The Diversity of Fishes: Biology, Evolution and Ecology (3rd Ed.) by Facey, Bowen, Collette, & HelfmanExplore The Diversity of Fishes: Biology, Evolution and Ecology (3rd edition) by Douglas E. Facey, Brian W. Bowen, Bruce B. Collette, & Gene S. Helfman.

According to the authors, “This book is intended as a starting point, not the final destination. Therefore, we encourage those using the text to consult more current sources for updated information.

This edition includes more color photographs to better demonstrate the diversity and beauty of fishes that attract many to the field. We include photographs from public agencies, in part to acknowledge the valuable contributions to Ichthyology of those in natural resources and management organizations.

Reorganization and consolidation of some topics has reduced the total number of chapters to 22.

Each chapter begins with a Summary that provides a broad overview of the content of that chapter. This may be particularly useful for those using the text for a course and who do not intend to utilize some chapters in detail – students can read the summary of each of those chapters.

Molecular genetics has transformed many aspects of ichthyology over the last few decades, and this is reflected throughout the text. Important concepts are introduced in Chapters 1 and 2, supported by an Appendix of terminology at the end of the book, and specific contributions of molecular genetics to the field of ichthyology are included in many chapters.

Structure and function are addressed together rather than treated in separate chapters. For example, Chapter 3 addresses structure and function of the head (e.g. bones, muscles, breathing, jaw suspension, feeding, dentition), and Chapter 4 addresses structure and function of the trunk (e.g. bones, muscles, integument, scales, fins, locomotion).


Part I: Introduction

  • The Science of Ichthyology
  • Phylogenetic Procedures

Part II: Form, Function, Ontogeny

  • Structure and Function of the Head
  • Structure and Function of the Trunk and Fins
  • Circulation, Gas Transport, Metabolism, Digestion, and Energetics
  • Nervous System and Sensory Organs
  • Homeostasis
  • Reproduction
  • Larvae, Juveniles, Adults, Age, and Growth
  • Special Habitats and Special Adaptations

Part III: Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Evolution

  • A History of Fishes
  • Chondrichthyes: Sharks, Skates, Rays, and Chimaeras
  • Living Representatives of Primitive Fishes
  • Teleosts I: Elopomorpha through Paracanthopterygii
  • Teleosts II: Spiny-Rayed Fishes

Part IV: Fish Behavior

  • Fishes as Predators and Prey
  • Fishes as Social Animals
  • Cycles of Activity and Behavior

Part V: Fish Distribution, Ecology, and Conservation

  • Zoogeography and Phylogeography
  • Fish Populations
  • The Functional Role of Fishes in Communities and Ecosystems
  • Conservation

Explore The Diversity of Fishes: Biology, Evolution and Ecology (3rd edition) by Douglas E. Facey, Brian W. Bowen, Bruce B. Collette, & Gene S. Helfman in pdf.

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