Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine (2nd Ed.) by Scheurer, Ross, McKean, & Dressler

Explore Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine (2nd Ed.) by Danielle Scheurer, John J. Ross, Sylvia C. McKean, & Daniel D. Dressler. Published in 2012, Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, Second Edition has established itself as the leading resource in the field. Comprehensive, authoritative, and practical, this foundational text [Read More]

2024-11-28T12:44:21+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Nester’s Microbiology: A Human Perspective (10th Ed.) by Anderson, Salm, Beins, & Nester

Explore Nester's Microbiology: A Human Perspective (10th edition) by Denise Anderson, Sarah Salm, Mira Beins, & Eugene W. Nester. Nester's Microbiology: A Human Perspective (10th Edition) by Denise Anderson, Sarah Salm, Mira Beins, and Eugene W. Nester offers a modern, student-friendly approach to microbiology. Designed with clarity and engagement in [Read More]

2024-11-26T14:02:28+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: |

Veterinary Microbiology (4th Ed.) by McVey, Kennedy, Chengappa, & Wilkes

Explore Veterinary Microbiology (4th edition) by D. Scott McVey, Melissa Kennedy, M. M. Chengappa, & Rebecca Wilkes. This collection of chapters and supporting materials is intended to provide a very broad overview of veterinary microbiology and infectious diseases. The writings represent a combination of the biology of the organisms that [Read More]

2024-11-20T15:16:02+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: |

Cecil Essentials of Medicine (10th Ed.) by Edward J. Wing & Fred J. Schiffman

Explore Cecil Essentials of Medicine (10th edition) by Edward J. Wing & Fred J. Schiffman. Cecil Essentials of Medicine presents a core of internal medicine and neurology information that every physician should know. This book provides an essential framework so physicians can appropriately assemble the key elements of history, physical [Read More]

2024-11-18T10:15:18+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Hoffbrand’s Essential Haematology (9th Ed.) by Hoffbrand, Chowdary, Collins & Loke

Explore Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology (9th edition) by Victor Hoffbrand, Pratima Chowdary, Graham Collins, & Justin Loke. Hoffbrand’s Essential Haematology has guided medical students and trainee physicians in mastering the fundamentals of clinical and laboratory haematology for over 40 years. Authored by leading experts, it delivers comprehensive coverage of clinical and [Read More]

2024-11-15T11:07:41+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

List of Private Dental Colleges in Pakistan

This page provides a comprehensive, up-to-date list of private dental colleges across Pakistan accredited by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC). With an emphasis on ensuring quality education and compliance with national standards, the page details each institution’s location and number of allocated sears. Visitors can filter the list [Read More]

2024-11-15T11:16:04+05:00Categories: Institutes|Tags: |
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