Medical Terminology for Health Professions (9th Ed.) by Carol Schroeder, Laura Ehrlich, Katrina Schroeder Smith & Ann EhrlichExplore Medical Terminology for Health Professions (9th edition) by Carol L. Schroeder, Laura Ehrlich, Katrina Schroeder Smith & Ann Ehrlich.

Welcome to the world of medical terminology! Learning this special language is an important step in preparing for your career as a health care professional. Here’s good news: learning medical terms is much easier than learning a foreign language because you are already familiar with quite a few of the words, such as appendicitis and tonsillectomy.

Understanding new words becomes easier with the discovery that many of these terms are made up of interchangeable word parts that are used in different combinations. Once you understand this, you’ll be well on your way to translating even the most difficult medical terms, including words you have never seen before. You’ll be amazed to see how quickly your vocabulary will grow!

This book and the accompanying learning materials are designed to make the process as simple as possible. Review the “How to Use This Book” section so you can find your way around easily. Once you become comfortable with the format, you’ll discover you are learning faster than you ever imagined possible.

The text is designed to help you master medical terminology. It is organized into 15 chapters, the Word Part Review, the Comprehensive Medical Terminology Review, three appendices, an index, and removable flashcards. To gain the most benefit from your use of this text, take advantage of the many features, including the Learning Exercises plus the Human Touch stories and discussion questions that are included at the end of each chapter.

Primary terms are the most important terms in a chapter. When first introduced, the term appears in boldface and, if appropriate, is followed by the “sounds-like” pronunciation. Only primary terms are used as correct answers in the exercises and tests.

Secondary terms appear in orange italics. These terms, which are included to clarify the meaning of a primary term, are sometimes used as distracters, but not as correct answers, in exercises or tests.

Each chapter begins with a vocabulary list consisting of 15-word parts and 60 medical terms selected from among the primary terms in the chapter. Note: If your instructor is using the Simplified Syllabus version of this course, these are the terms that you will be expected to learn for all quizzes, tests, and exams.


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