Cecil Essentials of Medicine (10th Ed.) by Edward J. Wing & Fred J. Schiffman

Explore Cecil Essentials of Medicine (10th edition) by Edward J. Wing & Fred J. Schiffman. Cecil Essentials of Medicine presents a core of internal medicine and neurology information that every physician should know. This book provides an essential framework so physicians can appropriately assemble the key elements of history, physical [Read More]

2024-11-18T10:15:18+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Hoffbrand’s Essential Haematology (9th Ed.) by Hoffbrand, Chowdary, Collins & Loke

Explore Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology (9th edition) by Victor Hoffbrand, Pratima Chowdary, Graham Collins, & Justin Loke. Hoffbrand’s Essential Haematology has guided medical students and trainee physicians in mastering the fundamentals of clinical and laboratory haematology for over 40 years. Authored by leading experts, it delivers comprehensive coverage of clinical and [Read More]

2024-11-15T11:07:41+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Cardiovascular Pathology (5th Ed.) by L. Maximilian Buja & Jagdish Butany

Explore Cardiovascular Pathology (5th edition) by L. Maximilian Buja & Jagdish Butany. The fifth edition of Cardiovascular Pathology offers a thorough exploration of cardiovascular disease pathology, merging in-depth discussions of disease pathology with modern insights into causes and development. Spanning 22 chapters, it covers both general topics—such as cardiovascular genetics, [Read More]

2024-11-14T12:39:47+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , , |

Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology (5th Ed.) by Abraham Kierszenbaum & Laura Tres

Explore Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology (5th edition) by Abraham L. Kierszenbaum & Laura Tres. The fifth edition of Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology contains substantial revisions and additions. They strengthen the visual approach to learning histology within the context of cell biology and [Read More]

Gray’s Basic Anatomy (3rd Ed.) by Richard Drake, A. Wayne Vogl & Adam W. M. Mitchell

Explore Gray's Basic Anatomy (3rd edition) by Richard Drake, A. Wayne Vogl & Adam W. M. Mitchell. Gray’s Basic Anatomy was crafted based on feedback from students and educators worldwide to deliver a concise, readable, and practical anatomy resource. Known for its clarity, clinical focus, and interactive online features, this [Read More]

2024-11-12T12:08:19+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual (12th Ed.) by James Cappuccino & Chad Welsh

Explore Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual (12th edition) by James G. Cappuccino & Chad T. Welsh. According to the authors, "Microbiology is a dynamic science. It constantly evolves as more information is added to the continuum of knowledge, and as microbiological techniques are rapidly modified and refined. The twelfth edition of [Read More]

2024-11-11T14:03:56+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |
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