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So far Editorial Staff has created 190 blog entries.

Berne & Levy Physiology (8th Ed.) by Bruce M. Koeppen and Bruce A. Stanton

Download Berne & Levy Physiology (8th edition) by Bruce M. Koeppen and Bruce A. Stanton. Berne & Levy Physiology (8th Ed.) by Bruce M. Koeppen and Bruce A. Stanton is a definitive resource that seamlessly integrates fundamental concepts of physiology with clinical relevance. This edition maintains the textbook's renowned clarity [Read More]

2024-10-31T14:36:33+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (9th Ed.) by D. Keith Edmonds, Christoph Lees and Tom Bourne

Download Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (9th edition) by D. Keith Edmonds, Christoph Lees and Tom Bourne. Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (9th Ed.) by D. Keith Edmonds, Christoph Lees, and Tom Bourne is a comprehensive and authoritative resource that has been a cornerstone in women's health education [Read More]

Netter’s Essential Physiology (2nd Ed.) by Susan Mulroney and Adam Myers

Download Netter's Essential Physiology (2nd edition) by Susan E. Mulroney and Adam K. Myers. Netter's Essential Physiology (2nd Ed.) by Susan Mulroney and Adam Myers is a concise yet comprehensive guide to human physiology, blending scientific rigor with the visually engaging style of Frank H. Netter's medical illustrations. Designed for [Read More]

2024-10-31T14:39:37+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Williams Textbook of Endocrinology (14th Ed.) by Melmed, Auchus, Goldfine, Koenig & Rosen

Download Williams Textbook of Endocrinology (14th edition) by Shlomo Melmed, Richard J. Auchus, Allison B. Goldfine, Ronald J. Koenig, and Clifford J. Rosen. "Williams Textbook of Endocrinology" (14th Edition) is more than just a textbook; it’s a deeply respected companion for anyone who ventures into the world of hormones, glands, [Read More]

2024-10-31T14:41:07+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Williams Obstetrics (26th Ed.) by Cunningham, Leveno, Dashe, Hoffman, Spong, and Casey

Download Williams Obstetrics (26th edition) by F. Gary Cunningham, Kenneth J. Leveno, Jodi S. Dashe, Barbara L. Hoffman, Catherine Y. Spong, and Brian M. Casey. The 26th edition of Williams Obstetrics, edited by F. Gary Cunningham, Kenneth J. Leveno, Jodi S. Dashe, Barbara L. Hoffman, Catherine Y. Spong, and Brian [Read More]

2024-10-31T14:42:24+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Biology: A Global Approach (12th Global Ed.) by Campbell, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky & Orr

Download Biology: A Global Approach (12th Global Ed.) by Neil A. Campbell, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, and Rebecca B. Orr. According to the authors, "We are proud to present Biology: A Global Approach, adapted from the Twelfth Edition of Campbell Biology for [Read More]

2024-10-31T14:44:03+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: |
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