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So far Editorial Staff has created 190 blog entries.

Robbins & Kumar Basic Pathology (11th Ed.) by Kumar, Abbas, Aster, Deyrup & Das

Download Robbins & Kumar Basic Pathology (11th edition) by Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster, Andrea T. Deyrup & Abhijit Das. "Robbins & Kumar Basic Pathology, 11th Edition" is a comprehensive resource that provides a thorough introduction to the principles of pathology. Authored by renowned experts Vinay Kumar, [Read More]

2024-10-31T12:58:00+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology (7th Ed.) by Connie R. Mahon and Donald C. Lehman

Download Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology (7th edition) by Connie R. Mahon and Donald C. Lehman. Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, 7th Edition by Connie R. Mahon and Donald C. Lehman is a comprehensive resource that equips students and professionals with essential knowledge in microbiological diagnostics. This edition integrates the latest advances [Read More]

Manson’s Tropical Diseases (24th Ed.) by Farrar, Hotez, Junghanss, Kang, Lalloo, White, and Garcia

Download Manson's Tropical Diseases (24th edition) by Jeremy Farrar, Peter J. Hotez, Thomas Junghanss, Gagandeep Kang, David Lalloo, Nicholas J. White, and Patricia J. Garcia. “Manson's Tropical Diseases” (24th edition) is an authoritative and comprehensive reference book on tropical medicine, edited by leading experts Jeremy Farrar, Peter J. Hotez, Thomas [Read More]

2024-10-31T13:01:06+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: |

Williams Gynecology (4th Ed.) by Hoffman, Schorge, Halvorson, Hamid, Corton, and Schaffer

Download Williams Gynecology (4th edition) by Barbara L. Hoffman, John O. Schorge, Lisa M. Halvorson, Cherine A. Hamid, Marlene M. Corton, and Joseph I. Schaffer. "Williams Gynecology (4th edition)" is a comprehensive and authoritative textbook that integrates the science and clinical practice of gynecology. Authored by leading experts Barbara L. [Read More]

2024-10-31T13:02:34+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |

Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology (14th Ed.) by James E. Bidlack and Shelley H. Jansky

Download Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology (14th edition) by James E. Bidlack and Shelley H. Jansky. Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology (14th Ed.) by James E. Bidlack and Shelley H. Jansky offers a comprehensive introduction to the study of plants, blending fundamental concepts with the latest scientific advancements. The text is designed [Read More]

2024-11-01T10:05:29+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: |

Berek & Novak’s Gynecology (16th Ed.) by Jonathan S. Berek

Download Berek & Novak's Gynecology (16th edition) by Jonathan S. Berek. For the 16th edition, Dr. Berek curated an impressive team of clinicians and researchers—leaders in their fields—who bring valuable insights and expertise. The result is a thorough exploration of current practices, with an eye on future advancements in gynecology [Read More]

2024-10-31T14:35:02+05:00Categories: Biological & Medical Books|Tags: , |
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